What We Do
In accordance with K-REACH, phase-in substances and non-phase-in substances are required to be notified or registered. Chemicals Control Act (CCA) requires chemicals and chemical products manufactured or imported to be confirmed (submission of Letter of Confirmation), handled by only businesses with permission, etc. Based on many years of experience and expertise, RiChemPro Inc. can provide solutions for import and circulation of chemicals in Korea, although there are numerous requirements under chemical regulations in Korea, such as notifications, registrations, permissions, and exemptions.
- Development of chemical Inventory - Pre-registration/registration of phase-in substances - Notification/registration of non-phase-in substances - Managing Substance Information Exchange Forums (SIEFs) for joint registration - Support for communication within supply chain/stakeholders - Consultation on testing strategies and monitoring - Communication with data owners and purchase of access to data - Only Representative for foreign manufacturers/producers - Exemption from registration/notification of chemicals - Notification of products containing priority control substances - Submission of Letter of Confirmation under CCA - Preparation and submission of Hazards/Dangers Investigation Report under K-OSHA - Import of hazardous chemicals notification - Preparation and submission of application for permission for substances subject to permission