What We Do

General Consultations

  • Companies handling chemical substances must respond to various environmental regulations and laws, such as K-REACH, Chemicals Control Act, K-OSHA, K-BPR, and Act on Safety Control of Hazardous Substances.

    We understand the needs and difficulties of many companies to actively identify and respond to the numerous regulations that are continuously changing.

    RiChemPro Inc. provides all-inclusive consultation and solutions for implementation of multiple regulatory requirements.

  • Services

    - Updates on latest news and trends on chemical regulations
    - Consultation on K-REACH, CCA, K-OSHA, and K-BPR
    - Communication support with foreign suppliers
    - Consultation on registration and exemption of chemical substances
    - Consultation on requirements for import and chemical management
    - Training session/seminars on K-REACH, CCA and K-BPR
    - Consultation and review on labelling
    - Strategic risk management consultation for a business site
    - Analysis and Evaluation on current compliance status of a business site
    - Risk Assessment on chemicals and chemical products